FTC Announces Rule Banning Noncompetes
FTC’s final rule will generate over 8,500 new businesses each year, raise worker wages, lower health care costs, and boost innovation.

Arizona’s Updated Health Care Provider Lien Laws
Arizona's health care provider lien laws were updated in 2022, let's take a look.

What is Arizona’s Homestead Exemption?
A homestead means a dwelling in which a person resides. The dwelling may be a house, condominium, or mobile home.

7 Reasons to Update Your Estate Plan
Your estate plan is not a "set-and-forget" kind of strategy. There are certain life events and circumstances that warrant your updating this important set of documents.

Arizona’s New COVID Laws
As COVID-19 cases continue to rise in Arizona, according to data compiled by state health officials, state lawmakers have enacted two new laws aimed at restricting responses to the malicious and malingering coronavirus.

Homeowners’ Rights in Planned Communities: The Grass Isn’t Always Greener
The new artificial grass law, which will take effect 91 days after the current legislative session ends (on or around June 24, 2022), will be added to this list of homeowners’ rights.

Early Voting Under Attack in Arizona
In Arizona, recent laws have made it harder to vote early, including making it illegal to bring a person’s early ballot to the polls unless it’s by a family member or caretaker

Why You Need an Estate Plan
Planning for our own death is not something that tends to thrill most of us. It is difficult to face our own mortality.

What is Estate Planning?
What comes to mind when you see the words estate planning?

Informal Probate – Administration of Estates Outside of Court
In many cases, probate is a quick and efficient way to transfer the assets of a person who has died (the “decedent”) to his heirs. About 10,000 probate cases are filed each year in the state of Arizona.

Special Purpose Trusts – 2 Most Common Forms
A trust is a legal entity that is created and holds title to assets during the life of the person who places assets inside the trust

Oral Contracts and Their Enforceability in Arizona
While different rules apply to proving each, one type of contract is not necessarily more enforceable than the other.

When are Written Contracts Required in Arizona?
The Arizona State Legislature, to prevent fraud, enacted a law requiring that certain promises or agreements be in writing. An action brought on an oral agreement in violation of the Statute of Frauds will be dismissed by the court.

Interest Rates as Established by Private Contract or by Law
In Arizona, interest on any loan, indebtedness, or other obligation will be at the rate of 10% per annum, unless a different rate is contracted for in writing.

Workers’ Compensation in Arizona and Liability for Injuries on the Job
The workers’ compensation laws provide for the payment of compensation to workers who are injured on the job in Arizona.

Arizona Unemployment Insurance – Employer Duties & Employee Benefits
Every employer in Arizona, with limited exceptions, must pay state and federal unemployment taxes.

Payment of Wages – Governed by State Law in Arizona
An employee who is owed wages may file a lawsuit against the employer for three times the amount of unpaid wages.

Where to Draw the Line on an Employer’s Liability for Employee Actions
An employer is generally not responsible for travel by an employee while going to and from the work place.

Non-Compete, Non-Solicitation and other Employment Covenants
A restrictive covenant generally will be strictly construed against the employer.

What is a Fictitious Name Certificate?
Many individuals and companies do business under fictitious names. A fictitious name simply is a name different from the true name of the business owner.

How to Register Trademarks and Trade Names in Arizona
A trademark is a word, name, symbol or device, or any combination of these items, that is used by a person or company to identify its goods, and to distinguish them from goods made or sold by others.

Homeowners Associations – Their Rights, Reach and Structures in AZ
An association may not impose a regular assessment that is more than twenty percent greater than the immediately preceding fiscal year’s assessment without the approval of the majority of its members.

Your Business Attorney – Considerations in Forming Partnerships in Arizona
A partnership is an association of two or more persons to carry on, as co-owners and a business for profit.

The Business Advantages of Limited Liability Companies
A limited liability company may be organized in Arizona to conduct any lawful activity, except banking or insurance.

What is the Difference Between Non-Profit Corporations and Tax Exempt?
Non-profit corporations are everywhere. In Arizona, there are about 40,000 non-profit corporations.

Corporate Counsel: What are the Tax Advantages in Setting Up an S-Corporation?
In the majority of cases, it is more beneficial to the corporation and its shareholders to elect to be an S corporation.

Statute of Limitations: Time Limits to File Lawsuits in AZ
The law imposes time limits for the filing of lawsuits. These time limits are known as statutes of limitations.

Save on Court Fees – Consider Mediation and Arbitration of Disputes
Mediation is a process in which a neutral person (the “mediator”), often a retired judge, assists the parties in reaching their own settlement, but the mediator does not have the authority to make a binding decision.

Arizona Justice Courts and Small Claims Court AZ – Lawsuits Under $10K
If a defendant files a counterclaim in justice court for more than $10,000, the case will be immediately transferred to the superior court.

What Happens when a Child is Injured by Another’s Acts?
If a child has a guardian, the guardian may sue or defend in court on behalf of the child. If a child does not have a guardian or other fiduciary, the child may sue by a next friend or a guardian ad litem.

When Can People Selling or Serving Alcohol Be Held Liable?
It is illegal for a person to manufacture, sell or deal in spirituous liquors in Arizona without being properly licensed.

Recording False Documents Carries Criminal and Civil Liabilities
A false document is one that is forged, groundless, contains a material misstatement or false claim, or is otherwise invalid.

What is a Fiduciary and What Happens in a Breach of Fiduciary Duties?
A fiduciary is a person who has a relationship with another based generally on trust and confidence.

No Contract? Payment for Services May Still be in Order
When a person is employed in the services of another for any period of time, the law implies a promise to pay what the services are reasonably worth.

3rd Party Interference With a Contract – AZ Laws on Suing for Damages
The time limit to file a lawsuit for interference with contract is two years from when the cause of action accrues.

How to File a Sexual Harassment Lawsuit
A person who is sexually harassed in Arizona may file a charge against her employer with the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) or the Arizona Civil Rights Division.

Your Rights as an Employee in Cases of Wrongful Firing
A terminated employee has a duty to make reasonable efforts to reduce damages by trying to find substantially similar employment.

Fraud – Lawsuits Against Anyone Who Intentionally Lies
A person who intentionally lies to another person about a matter of importance may be guilty of fraud.

When to Sue for Negligent Misrepresentation
A lawsuit for negligent misrepresentation must be filed within two years from when the cause of action accrues.

Insurance Company Bad Faith and how to Recover Damages
When an insurance company fails to act in good faith and deal fairly with its customers, it is guilty of bad faith.

Premises Liability – Can Property Owners Be Held Liable for Injuries?
This article deals with the liability of a property owner for injuries occurring on his property.

Dangerous Product Lawsuits and Recourse for Defects
The manufacturer or seller of a defective and unreasonably dangerous product is liable to anyone who is injured by the proper use of the product.

Vehicle Owner Responsibilities, Car Accidents & Liabilities
An owner of a vehicle who knowingly permits an unlicensed minor to drive his vehicle is liable.

Medical Malpractice – Negligence by Healthcare Providers
A doctor has a duty to refer a patient to another doctor or to a specialist.

Negligence – The Penalties for Failing to Use Reasonable Care
A driver who rear-ends a vehicle in front of him likely is guilty of negligence.

Litigation & Torts – Compensation as the Result of Another’s Conduct
A tort is a civil action for damages relating to a variety of injuries.

Can Parents Be Held Accountable for the Misconduct of Their Children?
It is not a defense that the parents or guardian could not have anticipated the minor’s misconduct.

Delegation of Parental Powers: Care | Custody | Property of the Child
In Arizona, a parent of a minor (under age 18) may delegate to another person any powers he may have.

How to Change your Name in Arizona and What to Consider
If a person desires to change his name, he must file an application in the superior court in the county of his residence.

What Actions Could Terminate Parental Rights in Arizona?
A parent who abandons, neglects or abuses his child (under age 18) may lose his parental rights. Arizona law sets forth the grounds and the procedure for termination of the parent-child relationship.

Establishing Child Custody in Arizona – Paternity and Parenting Time
When paternity is established, the court may award custody and parenting time. The parent with whom the child has resided for the greater part of the last six months will have legal custody, unless otherwise ordered by the court.

How does Arizona Handle Grandparent Child Visitation Rights?
If logistically possible and appropriate, the court will order visitation by a grandparent.

Domestic Violence and Orders of Protection
To obtain an order of protection, a person must file a verified petition with a magistrate, justice of the peace, or superior court judge.

Alimony (aka Spousal Maintenance) and How it is Awarded
Arizona law provides that a spousal maintenance order, “shall be in an amount and for a period of time as the court deems just".

How does AZ Law Address Child Support after Divorce or Separation?
In the case of divorce or legal separation, one parent typically will be required to pay child support to the other.

What are Child Custody Laws in Arizona?
The court, in determining the best interests of the child in a custody proceeding, is required by law to consider all relevant factors: The wishes of the parents, the wishes of the child...

What is Community Property and How Might it Affect Me in Separation?
Community property is a theory of property ownership by the marital community.

Overview of Arizona Marriage Laws
Getting married in Arizona is relatively easy. There is no residency requirement.

Seat Belt Laws, Helmets and Motorcycle Accidents in Arizona
According to the National Highway Transportation Safety Administration, about 43,000 people are killed in fatal car accidents each year in the United States.

Real Estate Recovery Fund May Be an Option if You’ve Been Harmed
The money in the Real Estate Recovery Fund comes from a surcharge on real estate license fees.

What Might the Residential Contractors’ Recovery Fund Cover?
Every residential contractor must contribute money to the Fund when applying for a license or upon renewal of a license.

Contracting Licenses for Commercial and Residential Builders
It is illegal for a commercial or residential builder to conduct business in Arizona without first obtaining a license.

What is the Good Samaritan Law in Arizona?
A Good Samaritan Law is generally defined as one that limits the liability of licensed doctors and nurses who voluntarily render care at the scene of an accident. This article explains the liability exemptions that are given to Arizona's Good Samaritans and volunteers under these laws.

Leasing an Apartment? What is the Residential Landlord-Tenant Act?
The landlord, at the beginning of the rental term, must disclose to the tenant in writing of the name and address of the manager.

Motor Vehicle Repair Liens for Unpaid Charges
If the owner cannot be found, the notice of sale must be published twice in a newspaper published in the county.

Regulations on Door-to-Door Sales in Arizona
A person who has entered into a home solicitation sale contract and wants to cancel it should read the language of the contract carefully.

Writing Bad Checks is a Crime – What You Should Know
Writing bad checks is a crime, and may also subject the bad-check writer to a lawsuit for twice the amount of the check.

Are the Vehicle Lemon Laws in Arizona?
The Arizona Lemon Law requires the manufacturer of a lemon to replace or repurchase the vehicle

Consumer Fraud Laws and Your Rights
The consumer fraud laws also create a private cause of action for consumer fraud victims.

Arizona Notaries Public Laws and Regulations
A notary is required by law to authenticate all of his official acts with a seal, and to record all of his notarial acts (in chronological order) in a journal.

Jury Duty – What is Required of Me?
A master jury list is maintained by the jury commissioner of every county.

Are you a Victim of a Crime? You Have Rights
The Constitution of the State of Arizona contains a Victims’ Bill of Rights.

What is an Injunction Against Harassment or Sexual Harassment?
On request of the plaintiff, the court will forward the injunction against harassment to the proper law enforcement agency for service on the defendant.

Animal Cruelty Laws in Arizona
An “animal” is defined by law as a mammal, bird, reptile or amphibian.

Gun Laws in Arizona
In Arizona, the rule still is that an adult may, under most circumstances, possess and carry a gun.

Pool Safety Laws in Arizona
Every pool owner is advised to check his local pool barrier ordinance to ensure compliance.

Traffic Tickets – Should I Go to Defensive Driving School?
A person who elects to attend a driving school must pay a “court diversion fee”.

Speeding Tickets, Rights of Way and Arizona Traffic Laws
The statute sets forth the general rule that a vehicle’s maximum speed must be reasonable and prudent.

Leaving the Scene of a Car Accident – What Happens?
The driver must remain at the scene of the accident until he has given certain required information.

Conservatorships – Acting as a Trustee of Another Person’s Property
A conservatorship proceeding may be started by an elderly person who desires protection of his or her property.

Guardianships – Responsibility for Welfare of Another
A guardian is a person appointed by the court to guard the health, safety and welfare of another.

Gifts to Minors and Simple Transfer of Property
A gift to a minor may consist of stock, money, ownership of a life insurance policy or annuity contract, a right to future payments under a contract, an interest in real estate, or a certificate of title to a vehicle.

Lifetime Gifts – Property and Real Property
Gifts of property may be made by a person during his or her lifetime, or after their death.

How you can Take Title to Real Estate in Arizona
Arizona is a community property state. Property acquired by a husband and wife is presumed to be community property, unless legally specified differently.

How to Manage Estate and Gift Taxes
The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, which took effect on January 1, 2018, increased the federal estate, gift, and generation-skipping transfer (“GST”) tax exemption amounts to nearly $11.2 million for an individual, and $22.4 million for a married couple, from $5.49 million and $10.98 million, respectively, in 2017.

Organ Donation – How to Make Your Desires Known
In Arizona, every person is eligible to be an organ donor; there are no age or physical limitations.

Living Wills and How to Guide Health Care Treatment Decisions
A living will is a written statement by a person intended to guide or control the health care treatment decisions that can be made on his behalf.

Health Care Directives in Arizona
Health care directives constitute an important part of any comprehensive estate plan. Every person implementing an estate plan in Arizona should give serious consideration to executing one or more health care directives.

When is it Allowed to Delegate Parental Powers?
A parent cannot delegate his or her parental powers by a power of attorney for longer than six months, but there is no limitation on the number of powers of attorney that they may execute.

Durable Powers of Attorney in Estate Planning
A durable power of attorney is an important component of any comprehensive estate plan.

Ways to Avoid Probate Through Beneficiary Deeds
A deed is a legal document that transfers an interest in real estate to another person. Anyone who owns a house acquired title to it by a deed.

When Can Bank Accounts be Transferred Outside of Probate?
On the death of the sole party or the last survivor of two or more parties in an account with a pay on death designation, the sums on deposit belong to the surviving beneficiary or beneficiaries.

What are Small Estate Affidavits and When Are They Used?
It is possible to avoid probate entirely in small estates by the use of affidavits to collect the property and assets of the deceased person.

Allowances and Exempt Property When It Comes to Inheritance
For a decedent who was not domiciled in Arizona at the time of death, the allowances are governed by the law of the decedent’s domicile at death.

Disinheritance: What If You are Left Out of the Will?
The principal protection of a surviving spouse against disinheritance is his or her share in the community property.

Rules for Determining Heirs in the Absence of a Will
These rules apply in cases where the deceased person fails to leave a will or where not all of the decedent’s assets are disposed of by the will.

What is Probate and What Can You Expect?
The term “probate” refers to the legal procedure for the administration of a deceased person’s estate. In many cases, probate is a quick and efficient way to transfer the assets of a person who has died to his or her heirs.

How to Settle a Trust After Death
Settling a living trust means administering and managing the trust according to the terms of the document. The person responsible for settling a trust is either the surviving trustee or the successor trustee.

The Essential Duties of a Trustee
The general duty of a trustee is to administer the trust expeditiously for the benefit of the beneficiaries.

Ding Dong The Tax Is Dead
Renters across Arizona have a reason to celebrate. Starting January 2025, the rental tax is gone!

FTC Announces Rule Banning Noncompetes
FTC’s final rule will generate over 8,500 new businesses each year, raise worker wages, lower health care costs, and boost innovation.

Arizona’s Updated Health Care Provider Lien Laws
Arizona's health care provider lien laws were updated in 2022, let's take a look.

What is Arizona’s Homestead Exemption?
A homestead means a dwelling in which a person resides. The dwelling may be a house, condominium, or mobile home.

7 Reasons to Update Your Estate Plan
Your estate plan is not a "set-and-forget" kind of strategy. There are certain life events and circumstances that warrant your updating this important set of documents.

Arizona’s New COVID Laws
As COVID-19 cases continue to rise in Arizona, according to data compiled by state health officials, state lawmakers have enacted two new laws aimed at restricting responses to the malicious and malingering coronavirus.

Homeowners’ Rights in Planned Communities: The Grass Isn’t Always Greener
The new artificial grass law, which will take effect 91 days after the current legislative session ends (on or around June 24, 2022), will be added to this list of homeowners’ rights.

Early Voting Under Attack in Arizona
In Arizona, recent laws have made it harder to vote early, including making it illegal to bring a person’s early ballot to the polls unless it’s by a family member or caretaker

Why You Need an Estate Plan
Planning for our own death is not something that tends to thrill most of us. It is difficult to face our own mortality.

What is Estate Planning?
What comes to mind when you see the words estate planning?

Informal Probate – Administration of Estates Outside of Court
In many cases, probate is a quick and efficient way to transfer the assets of a person who has died (the “decedent”) to his heirs. About 10,000 probate cases are filed each year in the state of Arizona.

Special Purpose Trusts – 2 Most Common Forms
A trust is a legal entity that is created and holds title to assets during the life of the person who places assets inside the trust

Oral Contracts and Their Enforceability in Arizona
While different rules apply to proving each, one type of contract is not necessarily more enforceable than the other.

When are Written Contracts Required in Arizona?
The Arizona State Legislature, to prevent fraud, enacted a law requiring that certain promises or agreements be in writing. An action brought on an oral agreement in violation of the Statute of Frauds will be dismissed by the court.

Interest Rates as Established by Private Contract or by Law
In Arizona, interest on any loan, indebtedness, or other obligation will be at the rate of 10% per annum, unless a different rate is contracted for in writing.

Workers’ Compensation in Arizona and Liability for Injuries on the Job
The workers’ compensation laws provide for the payment of compensation to workers who are injured on the job in Arizona.

Arizona Unemployment Insurance – Employer Duties & Employee Benefits
Every employer in Arizona, with limited exceptions, must pay state and federal unemployment taxes.

Payment of Wages – Governed by State Law in Arizona
An employee who is owed wages may file a lawsuit against the employer for three times the amount of unpaid wages.

Where to Draw the Line on an Employer’s Liability for Employee Actions
An employer is generally not responsible for travel by an employee while going to and from the work place.

Non-Compete, Non-Solicitation and other Employment Covenants
A restrictive covenant generally will be strictly construed against the employer.

What is a Fictitious Name Certificate?
Many individuals and companies do business under fictitious names. A fictitious name simply is a name different from the true name of the business owner.

How to Register Trademarks and Trade Names in Arizona
A trademark is a word, name, symbol or device, or any combination of these items, that is used by a person or company to identify its goods, and to distinguish them from goods made or sold by others.

Homeowners Associations – Their Rights, Reach and Structures in AZ
An association may not impose a regular assessment that is more than twenty percent greater than the immediately preceding fiscal year’s assessment without the approval of the majority of its members.

Your Business Attorney – Considerations in Forming Partnerships in Arizona
A partnership is an association of two or more persons to carry on, as co-owners and a business for profit.

The Business Advantages of Limited Liability Companies
A limited liability company may be organized in Arizona to conduct any lawful activity, except banking or insurance.

What is the Difference Between Non-Profit Corporations and Tax Exempt?
Non-profit corporations are everywhere. In Arizona, there are about 40,000 non-profit corporations.

Corporate Counsel: What are the Tax Advantages in Setting Up an S-Corporation?
In the majority of cases, it is more beneficial to the corporation and its shareholders to elect to be an S corporation.

Statute of Limitations: Time Limits to File Lawsuits in AZ
The law imposes time limits for the filing of lawsuits. These time limits are known as statutes of limitations.

Save on Court Fees – Consider Mediation and Arbitration of Disputes
Mediation is a process in which a neutral person (the “mediator”), often a retired judge, assists the parties in reaching their own settlement, but the mediator does not have the authority to make a binding decision.

Arizona Justice Courts and Small Claims Court AZ – Lawsuits Under $10K
If a defendant files a counterclaim in justice court for more than $10,000, the case will be immediately transferred to the superior court.

What Happens when a Child is Injured by Another’s Acts?
If a child has a guardian, the guardian may sue or defend in court on behalf of the child. If a child does not have a guardian or other fiduciary, the child may sue by a next friend or a guardian ad litem.

When Can People Selling or Serving Alcohol Be Held Liable?
It is illegal for a person to manufacture, sell or deal in spirituous liquors in Arizona without being properly licensed.

Recording False Documents Carries Criminal and Civil Liabilities
A false document is one that is forged, groundless, contains a material misstatement or false claim, or is otherwise invalid.

What is a Fiduciary and What Happens in a Breach of Fiduciary Duties?
A fiduciary is a person who has a relationship with another based generally on trust and confidence.

No Contract? Payment for Services May Still be in Order
When a person is employed in the services of another for any period of time, the law implies a promise to pay what the services are reasonably worth.

3rd Party Interference With a Contract – AZ Laws on Suing for Damages
The time limit to file a lawsuit for interference with contract is two years from when the cause of action accrues.

How to File a Sexual Harassment Lawsuit
A person who is sexually harassed in Arizona may file a charge against her employer with the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) or the Arizona Civil Rights Division.

Your Rights as an Employee in Cases of Wrongful Firing
A terminated employee has a duty to make reasonable efforts to reduce damages by trying to find substantially similar employment.

Fraud – Lawsuits Against Anyone Who Intentionally Lies
A person who intentionally lies to another person about a matter of importance may be guilty of fraud.

When to Sue for Negligent Misrepresentation
A lawsuit for negligent misrepresentation must be filed within two years from when the cause of action accrues.

Insurance Company Bad Faith and how to Recover Damages
When an insurance company fails to act in good faith and deal fairly with its customers, it is guilty of bad faith.

Premises Liability – Can Property Owners Be Held Liable for Injuries?
This article deals with the liability of a property owner for injuries occurring on his property.

Dangerous Product Lawsuits and Recourse for Defects
The manufacturer or seller of a defective and unreasonably dangerous product is liable to anyone who is injured by the proper use of the product.

Vehicle Owner Responsibilities, Car Accidents & Liabilities
An owner of a vehicle who knowingly permits an unlicensed minor to drive his vehicle is liable.

Medical Malpractice – Negligence by Healthcare Providers
A doctor has a duty to refer a patient to another doctor or to a specialist.

Negligence – The Penalties for Failing to Use Reasonable Care
A driver who rear-ends a vehicle in front of him likely is guilty of negligence.

Litigation & Torts – Compensation as the Result of Another’s Conduct
A tort is a civil action for damages relating to a variety of injuries.

Can Parents Be Held Accountable for the Misconduct of Their Children?
It is not a defense that the parents or guardian could not have anticipated the minor’s misconduct.

Delegation of Parental Powers: Care | Custody | Property of the Child
In Arizona, a parent of a minor (under age 18) may delegate to another person any powers he may have.

How to Change your Name in Arizona and What to Consider
If a person desires to change his name, he must file an application in the superior court in the county of his residence.

What Actions Could Terminate Parental Rights in Arizona?
A parent who abandons, neglects or abuses his child (under age 18) may lose his parental rights. Arizona law sets forth the grounds and the procedure for termination of the parent-child relationship.

Establishing Child Custody in Arizona – Paternity and Parenting Time
When paternity is established, the court may award custody and parenting time. The parent with whom the child has resided for the greater part of the last six months will have legal custody, unless otherwise ordered by the court.

How does Arizona Handle Grandparent Child Visitation Rights?
If logistically possible and appropriate, the court will order visitation by a grandparent.

Domestic Violence and Orders of Protection
To obtain an order of protection, a person must file a verified petition with a magistrate, justice of the peace, or superior court judge.

Alimony (aka Spousal Maintenance) and How it is Awarded
Arizona law provides that a spousal maintenance order, “shall be in an amount and for a period of time as the court deems just".

How does AZ Law Address Child Support after Divorce or Separation?
In the case of divorce or legal separation, one parent typically will be required to pay child support to the other.

What are Child Custody Laws in Arizona?
The court, in determining the best interests of the child in a custody proceeding, is required by law to consider all relevant factors: The wishes of the parents, the wishes of the child...

What is Community Property and How Might it Affect Me in Separation?
Community property is a theory of property ownership by the marital community.

Overview of Arizona Marriage Laws
Getting married in Arizona is relatively easy. There is no residency requirement.

Seat Belt Laws, Helmets and Motorcycle Accidents in Arizona
According to the National Highway Transportation Safety Administration, about 43,000 people are killed in fatal car accidents each year in the United States.

Real Estate Recovery Fund May Be an Option if You’ve Been Harmed
The money in the Real Estate Recovery Fund comes from a surcharge on real estate license fees.

What Might the Residential Contractors’ Recovery Fund Cover?
Every residential contractor must contribute money to the Fund when applying for a license or upon renewal of a license.

Contracting Licenses for Commercial and Residential Builders
It is illegal for a commercial or residential builder to conduct business in Arizona without first obtaining a license.

What is the Good Samaritan Law in Arizona?
A Good Samaritan Law is generally defined as one that limits the liability of licensed doctors and nurses who voluntarily render care at the scene of an accident. This article explains the liability exemptions that are given to Arizona's Good Samaritans and volunteers under these laws.

Leasing an Apartment? What is the Residential Landlord-Tenant Act?
The landlord, at the beginning of the rental term, must disclose to the tenant in writing of the name and address of the manager.

Motor Vehicle Repair Liens for Unpaid Charges
If the owner cannot be found, the notice of sale must be published twice in a newspaper published in the county.

Regulations on Door-to-Door Sales in Arizona
A person who has entered into a home solicitation sale contract and wants to cancel it should read the language of the contract carefully.

Writing Bad Checks is a Crime – What You Should Know
Writing bad checks is a crime, and may also subject the bad-check writer to a lawsuit for twice the amount of the check.

Are the Vehicle Lemon Laws in Arizona?
The Arizona Lemon Law requires the manufacturer of a lemon to replace or repurchase the vehicle

Consumer Fraud Laws and Your Rights
The consumer fraud laws also create a private cause of action for consumer fraud victims.

Arizona Notaries Public Laws and Regulations
A notary is required by law to authenticate all of his official acts with a seal, and to record all of his notarial acts (in chronological order) in a journal.

Jury Duty – What is Required of Me?
A master jury list is maintained by the jury commissioner of every county.

Are you a Victim of a Crime? You Have Rights
The Constitution of the State of Arizona contains a Victims’ Bill of Rights.

What is an Injunction Against Harassment or Sexual Harassment?
On request of the plaintiff, the court will forward the injunction against harassment to the proper law enforcement agency for service on the defendant.

Animal Cruelty Laws in Arizona
An “animal” is defined by law as a mammal, bird, reptile or amphibian.

Gun Laws in Arizona
In Arizona, the rule still is that an adult may, under most circumstances, possess and carry a gun.

Pool Safety Laws in Arizona
Every pool owner is advised to check his local pool barrier ordinance to ensure compliance.

Traffic Tickets – Should I Go to Defensive Driving School?
A person who elects to attend a driving school must pay a “court diversion fee”.

Speeding Tickets, Rights of Way and Arizona Traffic Laws
The statute sets forth the general rule that a vehicle’s maximum speed must be reasonable and prudent.

Leaving the Scene of a Car Accident – What Happens?
The driver must remain at the scene of the accident until he has given certain required information.

Conservatorships – Acting as a Trustee of Another Person’s Property
A conservatorship proceeding may be started by an elderly person who desires protection of his or her property.

Guardianships – Responsibility for Welfare of Another
A guardian is a person appointed by the court to guard the health, safety and welfare of another.

Gifts to Minors and Simple Transfer of Property
A gift to a minor may consist of stock, money, ownership of a life insurance policy or annuity contract, a right to future payments under a contract, an interest in real estate, or a certificate of title to a vehicle.

Lifetime Gifts – Property and Real Property
Gifts of property may be made by a person during his or her lifetime, or after their death.

How you can Take Title to Real Estate in Arizona
Arizona is a community property state. Property acquired by a husband and wife is presumed to be community property, unless legally specified differently.

How to Manage Estate and Gift Taxes
The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, which took effect on January 1, 2018, increased the federal estate, gift, and generation-skipping transfer (“GST”) tax exemption amounts to nearly $11.2 million for an individual, and $22.4 million for a married couple, from $5.49 million and $10.98 million, respectively, in 2017.

Organ Donation – How to Make Your Desires Known
In Arizona, every person is eligible to be an organ donor; there are no age or physical limitations.

Living Wills and How to Guide Health Care Treatment Decisions
A living will is a written statement by a person intended to guide or control the health care treatment decisions that can be made on his behalf.

Health Care Directives in Arizona
Health care directives constitute an important part of any comprehensive estate plan. Every person implementing an estate plan in Arizona should give serious consideration to executing one or more health care directives.

When is it Allowed to Delegate Parental Powers?
A parent cannot delegate his or her parental powers by a power of attorney for longer than six months, but there is no limitation on the number of powers of attorney that they may execute.

Durable Powers of Attorney in Estate Planning
A durable power of attorney is an important component of any comprehensive estate plan.

Ways to Avoid Probate Through Beneficiary Deeds
A deed is a legal document that transfers an interest in real estate to another person. Anyone who owns a house acquired title to it by a deed.

When Can Bank Accounts be Transferred Outside of Probate?
On the death of the sole party or the last survivor of two or more parties in an account with a pay on death designation, the sums on deposit belong to the surviving beneficiary or beneficiaries.

What are Small Estate Affidavits and When Are They Used?
It is possible to avoid probate entirely in small estates by the use of affidavits to collect the property and assets of the deceased person.

Allowances and Exempt Property When It Comes to Inheritance
For a decedent who was not domiciled in Arizona at the time of death, the allowances are governed by the law of the decedent’s domicile at death.

Disinheritance: What If You are Left Out of the Will?
The principal protection of a surviving spouse against disinheritance is his or her share in the community property.

Rules for Determining Heirs in the Absence of a Will
These rules apply in cases where the deceased person fails to leave a will or where not all of the decedent’s assets are disposed of by the will.

What is Probate and What Can You Expect?
The term “probate” refers to the legal procedure for the administration of a deceased person’s estate. In many cases, probate is a quick and efficient way to transfer the assets of a person who has died to his or her heirs.

How to Settle a Trust After Death
Settling a living trust means administering and managing the trust according to the terms of the document. The person responsible for settling a trust is either the surviving trustee or the successor trustee.

The Essential Duties of a Trustee
The general duty of a trustee is to administer the trust expeditiously for the benefit of the beneficiaries.
4835 E. Cactus Rd., Ste 145
Scottsdale, AZ 85254
Phone: (602) 971-4800
Fax: (602) 953-3621
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1670 E. River Rd., Ste 250
Tucson, AZ 85718
Phone: (520) 615-3100
Fax: (520) 615-3110
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Paradise Valley
11811 N. Tatum Blvd., Ste. 3031
Phoenix, AZ 85028
Phone: (480) 795-5300
Fax: (602) 953-3621
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2550 W. Union Hills Dr., Ste. 350
Phoenix, AZ 85027
Phone: (602) 883-8373
Fax: (602) 953-3621
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